Thursday 19 September 2013

7 Principles of Islamic architcture

1Architecture as Tawhid: Unity & Uniquity of Allah

An Islamic building should focus on strengthening the bond between muslims within conformity of God's will

2Architecture of Ihtiram: Respect  

An Islamic building should represent Muslims respect and obedience to Allah 

3. Architecture with Ikhlas: Sincerity   

A Muslim architect should show sincerity and purity in their design motivation, and built within conformity to God’s will 

4. Architecture as Pursuit of Ilm: Knowledge 

An Islamic building celebrates knowledge through calligraphy of religious Inscriptions and uses light as an expression of knowledge. 

5. Architecture for Iqtisad: Balance 

An Islamic building should have harmony between functional and spiritual elements 

6. Architecture of Haya’: Modesty 

An Islamic building should be discreet and preserve the dignity of its owner or users. 

7. Architecture as Dikr: Remembrance 

An Islamic building should be an aid to remembrance of Allah.

Saturday 7 September 2013

To understand Islamic architecture, it is important to know a little about Muslim history. Muslim history involves the history of the Islamic faith as a religion and as a social institution. According to Islamic Faith and the Holy Text, it is wrong to say that the history of Islam began in Arabia with Muslim Prophet Muhammad's first recitations of the Qur'an in the 7th century, but with Adam and Eve. They are considered the First Apostles of God. Later, Abraham, Moses and Jesus all taught the same faith as prophets, albeit in different regions or at different points of time.

Islamic architecture encompasses a wide range of both secular and religious styles from the foundation of Islam to the present day, influencing the design and construction of buildings and structures in Islamic culture. The principal Islamic architectural types are: the Mosque, the Tomb, the Palace and the Fort. This website focuses mainly on regional Islamic architecture, styles and forms and contemporary architecture. Islamic architecture holds great importance among Muslims especially since Muslims all over the world turn towards the Ka'ba in the Grand Mosque of Mecca for their five daily prayers.